Why is Tree Service So Expensive? An Expert's Perspective

Tree removal is an expensive service due to the many hazards of the job, the specialized skills and equipment needed, and the sheer labor of the project. It is a difficult and dangerous job, often involving compromised structures due to storm damage or years of neglect. In addition, tree removal around power lines is slower and more expensive. The high cost of tree removal reflects the many risks associated with the job, such as insurance costs, specialized skills and equipment, and labor.

Tree crews are regularly asked to work on trees with a compromised structure due to storm damage or years of neglect. These compromised trees are often dead trees, which are particularly dangerous. A tree that has been dead for several years usually becomes brittle and inflexible. When you try to cut it, controlling the direction of the fall is a challenge and it often breaks, throwing broken branches out of control.

In addition, arboriculturists are often asked to work on trees with electrical conductors running through the branches. This risky situation should speak for itself. Tree pruning is also an intense job as arbolists not only prune trees but also remove dead branches and trees that may be hanging from houses and other valuables. One wrong cut and you could send 5,000 pounds of wood into someone's living room or end up with someone's classic car sitting inside the garage.

The cost of tree removal also reflects the need to insure employees. Do you have any idea how much it costs to secure an employee hanging from a rope in a tree with a chainsaw? There are many variables that affect the price; some of them are the size of the tree (height and width), the location of the tree (relative to the house, power lines, etc.), the health of the tree, the costs of mobilization, such as the equipment required and the distance to the workplace and, of course, the risk. If it is risky to access or fall into the tree, for example, if the tree is near power lines or near your house or other buildings, you may be charged an additional 50% for removing the tree. Poorly placed trees may also require experts to use complex techniques and state-of-the-art equipment. Tree companies have to invest in an experienced workforce and also compensate them with salaries that reflect their experience.

With the exception of emergency tree removal, most homeowners generally seek to remove trees as part of a larger landscaping project. The less stable your tree is, the more precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of your tree trimmer. As with many industries, such as orthodontists and pediatrics (albeit in completely different fields), working with trees is a very specialized service. To ensure your safety, call a local arboriculture professional near you so that you can remove your clippers from your hands. A professional arborist can evaluate your landscape and work with you to determine the best course of action to care for and maintain the trees and shrubs in your landscape. The press reports are full of accidents involving untrained tree workers or homeowners trying to cut down a tree without knowing how it reacts to being cut.

Some professional tree removal services offer different methods of debris removal for an additional price. If you don't have a driveway and the tree is in the backyard, talk to your neighbor to allow the contractor to access your tree through your yard.

Dolores Rondo
Dolores Rondo

Freelance twitter advocate. Award-winning zombie nerd. Wannabe zombie expert. Certified web buff. Amateur food practitioner. Freelance food nerd.