What Does an Arborist Do?

An arborist is a specialist in the care and maintenance of trees and woody plants. They are responsible for ensuring that these plants remain healthy, safe, and attractive, and they do this through a variety of methods such as chemical applications, repairs, wiring, fertilization, watering, pruning, and removal of any dead, sick, or declining trees or other woody plants. Arborists also study the structure and function of trees. This includes understanding their growth, cultivation, reactions to pruning, diseases, decomposition processes, and all aspects of tree surgery.

They are essentially landscape architects who specialize in planting, maintaining, and removing trees or woody plants. Arborists use their physical climbing skills and knowledge of soil and tree biology to grow and maintain trees for landscaping companies, private customers, or government organizations. They also maintain trees and shrubs by pruning and trimming them to make sure they don't interfere with public works such as power lines, roads, or sidewalks. The services of an arborist can also be used to improve the appearance, health, or value of trees.

Arborists are responsible for taking care of trees by fertilizing them, pruning them, and maintaining them. They plant trees and usually do everything they can to care for them throughout their life cycle. They are also called upon to rescue trees if there are any problems, particularly if there is a major phenomenon or tree disease in a given community. Not only are arborists responsible for the health of the trees they own but they also help ensure the safety of the people who live and work there.

They are certified to perform work that may be hazardous to untrained people such as climbing trees to prune large potentially unstable branches. Depending on where they are employed they may also be responsible for climbing trees (often with ropes) and some trees may become very large. Safety when climbing a tree is a necessity so those who climb trees are also highly trained in this area. Arborists are sometimes referred to as tree surgeons as they not only have to remove dead branches and prune a tree when necessary but also monitor the health of the trees under their care and recommend treatment. They are responsible for the welfare of trees by implementing planting, cultivation, maintenance, and removal processes.

They can also be the point of contact for the sale of trees.

Dolores Rondo
Dolores Rondo

Freelance twitter advocate. Award-winning zombie nerd. Wannabe zombie expert. Certified web buff. Amateur food practitioner. Freelance food nerd.